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Here's one family's MOSI story.
Dear MOSI supporter,
My name is John Olmstead, and I'm asking you to give to MOSI on Give Day Tampa Bay. MOSI has meant so much to me and my family, here's our story.

I became a member around the time my little girl was 5. MOSI was a constant place to visit, walk around, talk, enjoy science, ask questions, buy toys, get lunch. MOSI was that fun place my little girl loved to go to. When she got old enough to go to camps, what good friends she made there. She still has many of those friends today. We still are friends with the families of the kids. MOSI families are the best and all are science and knowledge oriented with curious kids, involved moms and dads who have interesting lives apart from school and work.
My son followed in his sister's footsteps at MOSI. Joe and I would go to MOSI and spend hours together roaming, reading, discovering, experiencing and making a MOSI day of it just like I had done with his sister. He's loved the camps so much over these years, that he started volunteering this past summer. He's so enthused that he's putting in 8-9 hour days as a volunteer. He enjoys explaining and showing the younger kids all the cool things MOSI has to offer.
Now my daughter is 26 and she has her own family. Her little boy comes and enjoys looking at all the MOSI kids at kids in charge. I am sure when he's old enough, he'll be going to camps at MOSI. If MOSI hadn't been there to create heroes and stars of mathematicians and scientists, I think my daughter's life would be wholly different.
The Tampa Bay area is enriched with all the science and math exhibits and interactions MOSI provides, the environment where intelligent kids are encouraged to be nerds and not only feel rewarded and accepted, they are rewarded and accepted. MOSI provides families the backdrop and milieu for raising intelligent, happy, well-adjusted kids who know about our big world and understand the discoveries human kind has made in our world. MOSI gives those kids the social rewards to be intellectual and encourages them to make their own discoveries in this amazing world.
Thanks to you, MOSI people in the past, all the donors and volunteers that make MOSI the treasure of this area. It has been the place where I can see hope for our future.
J. Steele Olmstead
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